The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.
In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.
1. New Members, Please Report Here
(After You Read The Rules):
Please don't post another thread just to introduce yourself.
Look in the Rebel Yell area & you'll see a thread for introductions,
as well as a few other threads to tell us about yourself.
We also have a special welcome thread just for you...
so make sure you read all the welcomes from the other members in your special thread.
We'll add a few other threads to tell us about yourself as time goes on...
2. Signatures And Quotes Should Be No Larger Than
750 Pixels Wide x 750 Pixels High:
I'm not going to be too 'anal' about this,
but I think this is plenty large allowance for most sig-tags some of you have.
Also, if anyone is interested in using a sig-tag rotator,
let me know & I'll hook you up.
3. Do Not Spam The Board With Unnecessary Posts:
Don't be afraid to say something.
But, make the post interesting.
Useless posts are to be avoided as much as possible.
Just posting 'cool', 'awesome' or anything similar is somewhat annoying
& a discussion killer- it drives others away from sharing.
Please keep the discussion flowing & avoid these useless posts.
Thank you.
*Likewise, please don't reply with just emoticons.
On occasion, it's okay.
All the time it's more than annoying.
Thank you.
4. Read These Forum Rules:
That’s right AngelHearts there are these rules to keep the forum a nice place to be.
Please read them.
We'll all love you forever.
That's a promise!
A. Please be respectful of your fellow posters.
Constructive debate is encouraged.
Fighting and personal insults toward members here will not be tolerated.
Hateful comments about someone's race, religion, creed, nation, gender,
or sexual orientation, or anything else of this type is prohibited.
Other comments not categorized will also not be tolerated.
If there's a problem, take it to mail within the network...
but don't be harassing.
B. Obscene or pornographic pictures or topics are not allowed.
If it is a AC or SAC tags, that's fine.
There may be a special board for that, since some people
do feel uncomfortable seeing adult content art & tags.
Use some common sense, please.
C. Posts about drugs, drug abuse, etc. will not be tolerated.
If it's elements in tags, fine, but that is the limit.
In the past, we had a problem with this
& I don't wish to have history repeat itself.
I do not want this board to be a place of sharing hook-ups, etc.
Besides, drugs are bad for you & there are youngsters who may visit this forum.
We do not want to be irresponsible.
(If we see posts referring to such, even the slightest hint,
posts will be deleted, person(s) accounts will be removed.
Bottom Line. Use some sense.)
D. Please do not give out personally identifiable
information for your own safety.
For the most part, I don't think any of us are psychos,
but there are people outside our forum who are & I'd hate to see them
see information that's posted- you don't want some random stalker
or murderer showing up at your door.
That's just scary!
E. Please try to stay on topic in threads.
I know we all tend to go off topic at times,
it is sometimes too easy to wander.
But if there's a post about news on a scrap shop,
we wouldn't want to see a random introduction from a new member.
If you have something you would rather discuss with someone that is off topic,
please consider mail, or find a thread on topic or use the chat box.
F. Soliciting and/or distributing media files that you
do not own the rights to is not allowed.
It's our job to protect the artists & designers we love.
Please do not post links or details of how to obtain them on this site.
Please do not ask others to send kits, tubes, etc. to you on this site.
That's illegal & rips off the artists and designers.
We don't want to take money out of their pockets.
If you see something posted that does have links to illegal downloads,
please report them to Magik ASAP.
Thank you.
G. Please respect the privacy of your fellow community members.
I can't stress this one enough.
This also includes rumours or gossip about other members of the community as well.
If it's about a tag ripper, kit ripper, etc....
make sure you have proof first.
H. Please be careful when posting rumours.
Rumours of a defamatory nature will be removed.
I. Any posts in violation of any of these rules
will be removed or the thread will be locked.
If the behavior persists your account will either be locked
or terminated at the Administrator's discretion.
J. No spamming or advertising of pornography allowed on the board.
Any posts of that nature will be deleted.
Your account will be deleted, no warnings.
We may have young people on here.
Use common sense.
*Again, the exception is AC or SAC tags
which can only be posted in their own designated area.
5. Read The Board:
Look through the board to see if a topic that you wish to comment about already exists.
Use the search button.
In case you missed it the first time:
Where does this artist sell at?, and any other questions of that sort,
may have been asked, or we have already posted the news.
Take the time to look through the board before you post, please.
6. Communicate Clearly & Keep On Topic:
Posting text-type comments annoys 99.9% of us
& the other .1% can't understand it.
Everyone goes off topic here and there, but please try to remember
that other people aren't that interested in 20 posts about what you're wearing today.
7. Do Not Type In All Capital Letters:
All caps = screaming.
Some caps are okay, but keep it minimal, please.
8. Do Not Double Post:
This is my biggest pet peeve.
Please, use the edit button if the last post in a thread is yours.
Sometimes it appears as tho' some of us are double posting,
but usually the posts are weeks (months even!) apart....
I'm not going to be too anal about that,
but if you can edit your post, we'd all prefer that.
I will allow double-posting IF you are adding
an update to the new discussion
(since this forum has topic reminders on each page),
but that is the only exception.
Voting & Daily Click threads ARE an exception to this rule.
9. Don't Get Into A Flame War Or Feed Trolls:
The internet makes some people idiots.
It's a simple fact of life.
Don’t be one of those people.
You can report a post to me or one of the mods
(which will be listed on the Current Moderators thread).
Just let me/ us know where the offensive post is & I'll/ we'll
take care of it from there & remove the offensive post that is bothering you.
If the fighting continues, your accounts will be suspended
for a period of time at our discretion.
Also along these lines- no DRAMA allowed.
We have a policy here.
Please avoid drama like the plague.
10. Use The Subject Line.
This is esp. important when sending PMs to the staff
or one of the other members.
11. If Your Post Was Deleted, Closed,
Or Moved Do Not Post It Again:
Obviously there was an issue with it.
Rather than compound the error, be a smart little cookie
and refrain from doing it again.
12. Post In The Correct Forum:
That’s right my CherubHearts,
Creative Resources is not the place to tell us about your thoughts
on your boyfriend's habits, the current war, etc.
We have other areas for those topics.
13. Be Wary Of Posting Silly Rumours:
Anything that can be attributed to “some girl” or “some guy” on the internet
is probably about as factual as Bigfoot or UFO sightings...
or you know.... my marriage to Ville Valo.
Let's keep from posting rumours, esp. about designers, taggers, etc. esp.
if there hasn't been any proof posted about them.
14. Do Not Post PTU Kits, Tubes, Etc. Or Ask For Them:
It is illegal to post or ask for PTU items such as these here or anywhere else.
We are not a pirating network, never will be.
Please buy the tubes & kits and support the designers & artists you love.
15. Opinions Are Not To Be Considered As Gospel.:
It's everyone's right to have one.
If you don't like someone's opinion, that's fine
as long as you attack the idea, not the person.
For those of you that don't understand the difference,
here's a sample:
Person A: I think Mt. Dew is better than Coke.
Person B: You suck and so does your mom! Coke is way better.<-----wrong way
Person C: I disagree, Coke is much better.<-----correct
Opinion is defined as:
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but
not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
16. Be Original & post your own thoughts:
I'm sorry, but I have to include this rule.
Just please be yourself & don't imitate what others say.
We'll love & respect you more.
Also, as stated above, post more than just 'cool' or awesome on posts.
This is a discussion board & simple replies like those kill threads,
thus making you a thread killer... now you know.
* Heartagrams that are 'earned' by this behaviour
may be removed from your account.
17. Please don't just 'use' me or others
by coming onto the site only to request tags that are offered
or to get 'freebie' kits from me that aren't available on my blog.
This is unfair not only to those of us who OFFER the tags,
but also unfair to the ACTIVE members who participate
& I won't get into how unfair it is to me about the kits...
Likewise, any special freebie kits I may give out here
are for those who actively participate & contribute to our little home on this forum.
I've had people in the past who have come on long enough to get tags,
etc. from me & not even bother to say a simple thank you.
I understand we're all busy... but coming onto the forum once or twice
a week for a short bit isn't asking a lot....
If you're going to be gone for an extended time,
you can also post in the MIA threads.
This rule should also apply to any Always Lists,
but that will be up to each member's decision.
If you are inactive, you may not be considered for Always Lists.
18. Please do not steal the concepts, ideas
used in this forum for other sites/ forums: What's posted here in MBM, should STAY here
on MBM unless you have my permission.
Stealing badges & using them as a template
for your site as well as creating awards
the exact same size as mine & using the
same ideas/ concepts elsewhere is disrespectful & rude.
Likewise, stealing our emots here is also very rude.
The same should be said for plagiarizing
how I post challenges (tasks) here in the forum
or using the same EXACT ideas for those challenges.
*I know what sizes I use for awardsas well as our Event Badges here.I keep my image files for everything& I know both are unique sizes. Going forward, if I am made aware
(or see for myself) of such theft or ideas, etc.
those thieves will be given a notice
up to banning & deletion of their membership here.
19. The rules may be altered, changed
or added to at any given time:
Depending on any issues that may arise,
the Administrator & mods of this forum will discuss rules
or actions that may need to be added.
An announcement will be posted & this post will be modified as needed.
Thank You for reading the rules!
Carry on....
*This Forum Rules page & all the wording herein
are :copyright: Magik, from 24, April, 2010- beyond.Do not copy/ paste my words to use on your site. Thank you.**These Rules have been edited & revised on April 1, 2023:Part 18 & Part 19*
**These revised Rules are effective Immediately.Previous Rules can be found here.