Manipulated By Magic
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A Tagger's Forum where we do things a bit differently here...And, yes, we have the Ville Valo tubes. Come for the heartagrams, stay for the awards.
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Our second annual 'Tagtober' challenge is here! Read all about it here in our specialty challenge board. Hope you have fun creating this month.
The MBM Halloween boards are officially open. Stop in & check out our Halloween boards here. Tasks have been posted with more to come.
Check out our October Tagger tasks in the All Lips Go Blue- Magik's Tagger Tasks Board.
Non Tagger? No tagging mojo? Stop in our Zener Solitaire (Non-Tagging Tasks) board & check out the tasks. Have fun!
Thank you for visiting! If you wish to join us, you are more than welcome here. I will activate your membership as soon as I possibly can. Thank you for being patient.
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 General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read!

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2500 Topics
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Lyric Task Novice
5 Lyric Tag Tasks Completed
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100 Mixed Bag Tasks Completed

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! MBM_Admin

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! MBM_Designer

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! MBM_Tagger1

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! MBM_SiggyPiggy

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General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! MBM_Member

Tagger, Snagger, Other : Designer
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Member Since : 2011-09-18
Location : hiding in your basement

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! Empty
PostSubject: General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read!   General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! EmptyThu 11 Mar 2021 - 18:24

If you're a member on the site...
and you wish to post your PTU or FTU tutorials here, 
feel free to make a post of the tutorial here or a post 
to direct visitors to your blog post where the tutorial can be found.  aww

Rules For Posting (Yes, we have to have them):

- Anything you post must be yours to post. 
No posting other's works or copies of another's tut.

- By posting your tuts on here, you agree that Magik 
is not responsible for who views them.
Nor, is Magik responsible for any illegal activity
concerning your tutorial results/ tuts outside this site.

- Previews/ tags must be uploaded to your own photo-hosting site. 
Do not upload them to this site in your posts. 

- You must specify in your post if it is 'Ok' for visitors to link to your tutorial(s) here.

- If you wish to post a tut, but don't want it accessible to the public, 
post it in the Creative Resources board, instead

- More rules may be added at later times, as the need arises.

Rules For Visitors (Yes, we have to have them for you, too):

- Anything you view in here belongs to the original Tutorial Author(s) of that post.

- Tutorials can NOT be re-posted in forums, groups, emails, etc. 

- Unless stated by the Tutorial Author(s), tutorial links cannot be used 
for forum challenges outside this site.
   *This excludes any tutorials authored by Magik (which are in their own board).

- You MUST follow any & all TOU on any posts here, including my general TOU below.
- More rules may be added at later times, as the need arises. 

As for general TOU for tutorials here, 
I'm going to post mine which should be referred to for any posts in here, 
unless otherwise stated by the Tutorial Author(s):

These TOU cover any tutorials or tags:

- The tutorials are written by the Tutorial Author (Original Poster).
  Any similarity to any other tutorials are purely coincidental.

- Credit is always loved.

- You may NOT print out anything for your OWN personal use.

- Do NOT translate, copy, e-mail, download (ie save to your hard-drive), 
distribute and/ or make scripts/ quick guides from these tutorials.

- Tutorials are not to be copy- pasted anywhere, nor shared in groups.
Just share the link to the tutorial, when posting challenges in forums, 
as long as the Tutorial Author says it's okay.

- No redistributing anything that is offered in the tutorials (supplies, etc.) 
as yours, in whole or in part
  (no stripping word art from temps, etc. to share).

- Do NOT reuse any examples or filter setting screen shots in your own tutorials.
  These belong to the Tutorial Author(s).

- Supplies that may be offered in some tutorials can NOT be shared 
in a download from you, since they were created by the Tutorial Author.

- Do NOT add any supplies to your own for your tutorials. 
Direct people to the posts for templates, etc. instead.

- Want to share? Post links to the post, please.  Smile 

- No re-posting of any of these tutorials as your own.

- Do not hot link, direct link, or deep link any tutorial images, 
or any other graphic from this board.

- Use anything that is offered (kits, clusters, etc.) for use 
on any kind of hateful or illegal- type of sites.

* Please do not copy these TOU verbatim to your own blog. 
That is plagiarism.*
You can, however, use these TOU as  guide to make your own.  Wink

* I have the right to modify, update or change these TOU as needed.

*This was originally posted on my Manipulated By Magik site here
on Nov 19th 2019

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! BlendedVilleTag_Magik-vi

Out of respect for the 'unknown' artists out there,
I am making a promise to not steal their art
& refuse to use AI in my tags, kits or other creations.

Please, No AI tags. Thank you.

General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! NoAIblinkie-vi

Last edited by Magik on Sat 13 May 2023 - 5:00; edited 2 times in total
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General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read!   General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read! EmptyThu 3 Jun 2021 - 20:17

Read and understood.
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General Tutorial Rules/ TOU- Please Read!
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