If you're a member of the forum here,
you are welcome to try these tutorials.
...Actually anyone is welcome to try them,
regardless of membership here or not.
If you are a member here and
post your result(s) in the thread(s) to the tutorial(s) you tried,
I'll reward you with 100 heartagrams per tutorial.
Since these are not actual challenge tutorials,
the amount of heartagrams given will be less than
if I were to post them as challenge.
*If I were to use any of these for one of my own challenges,
posted in my All Lips Go Blue challenge board,
the amount of heartagrams would go up to 150 at that time,
but ONLY in that challenge board.
**If you had already tried the tutorial prior to me
posting it in my ALGB challenge board, you would have
to re-do the tutorial, using a different tube &
adding to your tag somewhat to make it a 'new'
challenge tag to earn an additional 150 heartagrams.
I hope all that makes sense.
With that being said-
enjoy the tutorials.