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 Exporting Gradients

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Exporting Gradients Empty
PostSubject: Exporting Gradients   Exporting Gradients EmptyFri 14 Jun 2024 - 23:37

This tutorial is to show you
how to add a export a gradient/ gradients
you have created in Paint Shop Pro.

This tutorial should be quick & easy for you,
even if my babbling & screen shots seem otherwise.  Wink

Please do NOT repost this tutorial. 
You may link to it, however.  Wink 
Also, do NOT steal my screen shots/ examples. 
Thank you.  aww

This tutorial is borne from my own manipulated lil' mind.
Any similarity to any other tutorial(s) is purely coincidental.
This tutorial was written for those who have a working
knowledge of PSP and was written using PSP X2.
This should work on all other versions 
(old & new) of PSP...
err... at least to my knowledge. sweat

*It should be noted that you can only export one (1)
gradient at a time, so you will have to repeat this process 
for each gradient you wish to export, 
starting with Step Four through Step Seven.  Wink

I feel it imperative to add to not be exporting
someone else's gradients to pass off as yours.
That's just rude & karma will get you.  Smile

Before we begin, read these notes when exporting your gradients/
naming the gradients as you export them:

When naming your gradients, esp. in older PSP versions,
such as PSP X2, like what I used, HOW you name your gradients
is going to make a BIG difference in the file you are exporting.

In my example below, when exporting my gradient,
the File name text box, looks like this (pink arrow):

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradientsName-vi

If you name your gradient before that period,
so your gradient is named some thing like ExampleGradient.grd,
your gradient will make a GRD file which can be used in PhotoShop as well.

However, if you just name your gradient ExampleGradient (no .grd)
your gradient is only going to be usable in Paint Shop Pro.

Below are examples of naming both with the .grd extension & without:

This is an example of naming with the .grd extension
(name is circled in red):

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients6a-vi

This is how the gradient will look as a file.
They are the 'Gradient' thumbnails.
You can hopefully see the 'Type: GRD File'
I have highlighted on one of them:

Exporting Gradients NamedGRDFile-vi

This is an example of naming your gradient without
that .grd extension:

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients7-vi

This is how the gradient will look as a file.
They are the plain white thumbnails.
You can hopefully see the 'Type: Corel PSP Gradient'
I have highlighted on the one I created:

Exporting Gradients NamedOnlyFile-vi

Hopefully that isn't confusing. sweat
I would recommend keeping that .grd extension on
your gradient files so they can be used 
in either program... esp. if you're wishing to share 
your gradients with others.  Smile

Enough talking about gradient names & extensions.
Let's get on with this tutorial. Razz

(Step One) Open up your PSP program.
Once opened, click on the Materials Palette.

(Step Two) Next, click on the Gradients Tab.

(Step Three) Once you have the Gradients tab selected, 
click on the Edit button like my example (magenta arrow):

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients1-vi

(Step Four) Next, a box should pop up like in my next example.
On the left side, in the list of gradients,
scroll to the one you want to export (blue arrow).
Once you have it highlighted/ selected, click on Export (green arrow).

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients2-vi

(Step Five) To export your gradient, click the drop down,
like shown in my examples below 
to select the folder you want to export to.

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients3-vi

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients4-vi

* It should be noted, that your PSP program is 
going to go to your default gradients folder that is in 
your 'My PSP Files' which is in your Documents folder 
on your computer.  Wink
I would recommend using a different folder 
to export your gradients to.

(Step Six) Once you have found the folder/ location 
you wish to export your gradient(s) to, 
click on that folder (green arrow).
If you wish to create a folder, you may do so (blue arrow).

Next, after selecting/ creating your folder,
click Open (pink arrow)

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients5-vi

(Step Seven) Next type in a name for your gradient
your are exporting (violet arrow).
Then click on Export (blue arrow).
*Remember what I mentioned above about 
keeping that .grd extension in the name file.
It is your choice, but keep it in mind, regardless.

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients6-vi

You should now have successfully exported your gradient.  clap2

(Step Eight A) If you have more gradients to import, 
repeat the above steps starting with Step Four. 
Once finished importing, you can proceed to Step Eight B.

*Please Note- Each time you export additional gradients,
your PSP program is going to open up to the default 
Gradients folder in 'My PSP Files'.
You will have to search for your folder for the gradient(s) 
you want to export for each gradient you are exporting.
I know it's annoying, but it'll go fast as long
as you know where your folder is. Wink

(Step Eight B) If you are done exporting gradients,
click on the Close button, as shown below (purple arrow):

Exporting Gradients ExportingGradients9-vi

I hope you find this tutorial useful.  aww

Disclaimer- The gradients I have used to export 
for this tutorial are my own.
I will get them zipped up soon & have them 
posted for anyone to download.  Smile

Thank you for reading.  happy


Exporting Gradients BlendedVilleTag_Magik-vi

Out of respect for the 'unknown' artists out there,
I am making a promise to not steal their art
& refuse to use AI in my tags, kits or other creations.

Please, No AI tags. Thank you.

Exporting Gradients NoAIblinkie-vi

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